Monday, February 15, 2016

SuperBrain Yoga

Superbrain yoga is a simple series of poses and movements designed to increase mental energy. This has been practiced for many years in India as a common punishment or part of prayers offered to Lord Ganesha.

It was created by Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of Arhatic yoga and Pranic healing, and is based on ear acupuncture points and subtle body energy. The right ear lobe relates to the left part of the brain, which is the logical thinking side, and the left ear lobe relates to the right side, which is the emotional and creative side. Studies have shown that this yoga synchronizes Alpha waves in the brain, heightens intelligence and creativity and can help children with learning difficulties. It takes less than five minutes a day to practice. Sounds Familiar!!

Thoppukaranam or Situps practiced in childhood is actually to help us improve our mental stability!!
See the below 1 min video for Scientific Benefits of this Ritual.

Enjoy the rest of your day!