Thursday, May 6, 2010

Before the Interview

Before the Interview -

Campus placements are some of the toughest time during college days ... This sure is the toughest coz best buds become competitors... Not on purpose but circumstances make them smile outside and burn inside…

Well everyone goes through lots of pressure...esp when parents come back from their social network talking about their friends children...How I hated it...

I never got an opportunity to listen much, coz

1. I didn't care...

2. My Best friend was not placed yet ;)

3. I really didn't care...

I did show at home, that I took a lot of interest in these that I don’t get them to say..." I told u to bang your head harder on this topic, well if u had listened to me...U will be sitting inside the interview panel and not with me"

I was rather in the mood of hearing "U did your best... we know it... probably something better is in store for u"

Lol... yea I was this Naughty kid who was lucky enough to get away with anything J

So anyway back to the topic... I was not the topper... But I did have the Ranker in my Gang :)... This meant free notes...can bunk class anytime ... I still remember calling her 2 days before exams to ask her which text book to buy ;)

I am not exaggerating... u can go to my house and check my book shelf..u will find all the Engineering text books NEW!!!

Brand new Barely touched :)... actually they are for sale!! Anyone interested???

Btw I love to flip the pages in new books... and love to smell in between the pages... Hmmm...fresh memories..

Anyway... I was waiting for the much awaited company Carritor (The office is right across my house)..

After living most of my years in a city like Bangalore..One will surely be aware of traffic and value of travel time... I hated traffic.. not that anyone will like it.

I loved it, when I was going to boring classes..And hated it, when I was going to parties.. It keeps fluctuating, you see ;)…

However, Getting stuck in traffic and wasting time is one of the things I am reluctant about...

Caritor was right across my house... I could even come home for lunch... I didn’t want my office to be that I thought I would choose a branch which was not so far from my house...(Little did I know .. that I had no choice)

Again I was not the brightest student..But I felt I was good in Aptitude... I was so over confident that I didn't take the mock classes seriously which resulted in pain...I didn't even clear the first round.... Bang... it was like something hit me with a word I had barely heard in such a force...

Rejection... Probably my first NO.....

I sat down... The first company I ever attended and the company that I see every day when I get out of my Apt...

This company had no future in my Life...

I looked around... some of my Hostel mates... Raki, Nami were already near the interview panel... many of my class mates were heading towards the restroom to adjust their ties or rather borrow one, to get ready for group discussion..

I sat on the stairs… not to show much reaction (I could not be disappointed…gosh what will happen to my image!!)

I smiled..My Gang members rounded me... They said Chal yaar.. we are getting late for the movie..

Everyone was upset..But the enjoyment was inversely proportion to the start of the day. We were just kids out of our teens and we were not supposed to take anything seriously… But I really took this one to my heart… Broken down,But didn’t share this with anyone but my Sis n Best friend. They could handle pressure J

I didn’t even bother to attend any campus selection after my rejection in the first.. I quit very soon...

My sister came to rescue... she pulled me out of distress.. she said stop acting in front of us... If u can’t get a job, we can ask Dad to get u an offer...

OMG!!!… I don’t know if she told that on purpose or to get me on a rage but she had just uttered the magic words .This was one thing I loved in front of my friends...but feared it in front of cousins... It was too obvious for people to mock at me, and name me as a lucky kid with the best dad…

I love my dad and nothing to offend him..but this time I wanted to achieve something and get the entire credit to myself.

I was no Hero in Academics @ home...having sisters who do exceptionally well in studies, living under the same roof, was definitely not my fault… I had 2 elder bossy sister’s …The eldest one Is more like a MOM… and the 2nd one is The BOSS…

So I need not have to explain much about my life in terms of grades…

My parents were cool on this… I guess they were happy with the overall studies performance from the family; contributions from individual were not frazzled about except for 1-2 days per semester… yea the result days!! I was the best kid at home on those days…

So all set to prove something I left to college….

Companies came and went – Dam, some of them had set an upper cutoff… why did they do that?? I had to borrow the "It was tough" smile again to get back home..

4 more companies gone… I really thought I was a looser…

I have to mention my best friend here… who has always been with me during thick and thin. She was constantly reminding me of how good I am at these puzzles and answering questions, she even asked me doubts to cheer me up (Duh..I know that’s impossible, coz according to me…she is one “Know all “ kind of girl..) How else will she be able to escape from teachers when they fire jargon questions to us… that’s right… one moment she will be talking to me nonstop and then next moment, when we get caught for disturbing the class… she will get up and answer the question as though she rehearsed it many times before… How does she do tat man…

So she and I were set to go to the APS College of engineering for a campus selections… 16 other colleges were participating…

The normal attitude was to enjoy the picnic ride to this college and look at the popular people out there(Hope u guys understand what I mean here!!!) and return home for dinner… Little did I know what was in store for me…

I was the most Happiest as well as a dejected person on that day… confused??

Happy because both of us got selected in the first round(inspite of the fact that 16 other colleges participated)…..we proved that we did have the potential… Happiness beyond anything, the shell was broken, I was so sure that if I cleared the written round no one can stop me ever from getting into this company. As sure I was, I got selected in the group discussion round too… But ironically my best frnd didn’t, this made me the worst friend ever…

Coz she was right next to me, assuring that my name will be in the list to be read and there were no words to complete this sentence…

My parents came to pick us from the college, and I was not having any strength to communicate my happy news along with her.

It was really hard for me to commute in the same car and for the first time I felt I didn’t want this to happen and I immediately thought of dropping the interview..

When I entered my house… they had actually decorated my house with a cake for an occasion such simple as this… I was over whelmed and could not remain sad anymore… I tried to be modest as there were a couple of interviews left and then I had to make the decision to choose my destiny…

The next day I had my technical interview, a stress management session and then the list was announced and no surprises here… I got the job J

When I came out, I saw her waiting for me; she hugged me and told me how proud she was…. We shared a tear so pure, I was glad she was there and she will always be there for me.

Hey folks the story does not end here…. Latter, she got placed in Polaris, Chennai but rejected the offer for doing Master’s in networks :) All izz Well

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Start Blogging!!!!

Start Blogging!

I never thought I would fall into one of those many people to recommend others to take time to stare at their computers for an extra while
to pour out their feelings… But yeah I am gonna do that and there is nothing you can do to stop me.....

Start bloggin folks... Its gud for health!!! Confused? Read on to know how/why.. J

The story begins with a professor entering the class with an empty glass and a jug of water. He calls out a volunteer to help demonstrate an experiment. He points at a girl finally and asks her to step forward. She steps up meekly not knowing what was in store for her.

He asked her to fill the glass with water. He then instructed her to stretch her hand horizontally and placed the glass of water on her palm.

Now facing towards the class he said, “I am sure all of u can do that”, and he got the nods from his pupils as expected..

Then he posed a question to the class, “How long can u hold this? 10 mins? 40 mins? an hour? a day?”

The nods kept losing its strength as he prolonged the timeline.

“Why? I am not increasing the amount of water in the glass. It is still the same weight. Did any of you think about that?” he enquired.

The class remained silent. He went on to explain that the stress, feelings ,worries, anything prolonged within oneself is going to increase the pain. So let it out.

I pass on the same message to you all readers out there. Put the glass down. Get out your thoughts and Start blogging and sharing them. I know many of you would have come across this story before, but I just wanted to remind the same and want to read more about what u all thought!! So go ahead and blog more often!! Break out from the cocoons and flap your wings.

Personal thanks to my school friend Harsha, one of the reason I too wanted to start blogging. J