Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Start Blogging!!!!

Start Blogging!

I never thought I would fall into one of those many people to recommend others to take time to stare at their computers for an extra while
to pour out their feelings… But yeah I am gonna do that and there is nothing you can do to stop me.....

Start bloggin folks... Its gud for health!!! Confused? Read on to know how/why.. J

The story begins with a professor entering the class with an empty glass and a jug of water. He calls out a volunteer to help demonstrate an experiment. He points at a girl finally and asks her to step forward. She steps up meekly not knowing what was in store for her.

He asked her to fill the glass with water. He then instructed her to stretch her hand horizontally and placed the glass of water on her palm.

Now facing towards the class he said, “I am sure all of u can do that”, and he got the nods from his pupils as expected..

Then he posed a question to the class, “How long can u hold this? 10 mins? 40 mins? an hour? a day?”

The nods kept losing its strength as he prolonged the timeline.

“Why? I am not increasing the amount of water in the glass. It is still the same weight. Did any of you think about that?” he enquired.

The class remained silent. He went on to explain that the stress, feelings ,worries, anything prolonged within oneself is going to increase the pain. So let it out.

I pass on the same message to you all readers out there. Put the glass down. Get out your thoughts and Start blogging and sharing them. I know many of you would have come across this story before, but I just wanted to remind the same and want to read more about what u all thought!! So go ahead and blog more often!! Break out from the cocoons and flap your wings.

Personal thanks to my school friend Harsha, one of the reason I too wanted to start blogging. J


  1. Nice start...but old story...nyway lets see the further ones

  2. Good start Dear!!!! Keep it going

  3. gr8 start... i ve also been thinking to blog but still wondering where and how to start????/

  4. Not bad.. u did mention me.. i am honored.. i thought u had put it up just for fun.. :)

    a good message to start off.. i am ur first follower.. waiting to read more of ur posts.. all the best! :)

  5. Harsha says he is hornered ! I imagined the scene like: Priya as a court judge with de weapon tat judges have in hand. Keeping Harsha down de table, kneeling down, Priya banging on his head, shouting Order, Order, Order.

    Coming to de comment for tis blog: Oye Pri, continue tis blogging habit. Me too going to start, cuz of de same culprit whom u mentioned. Don leave tis blogging telling tat u are on a vaccation then feeling tired and need to go for another vaccation.

  6. @All ..Thanks :)
    @ Anantha - hahaha... Will try not to give those excuses ;)lol

  7. Hi pre... very nice! Im looking forward to reading your blogs!

  8. Good one Pri, continue it, don't stop :)

  9. Dai Anantha, u r calling me a culprit.. rascal.. n wat a mokkai with that judge thing.. phew! spare the blogs from ur mokkai man.. its a sanctuary to many.. :P

  10. Hey ! great start,madam!
    keeping it going!
