Monday, July 5, 2010

My Sins against Gender-Stereotypes

If you are a woman,

Have you ever wanted something that is considered ‘manly’ ? Like a basketball, a cell phone, a dog, a camera or a new laptop? A new car or motor bike? Ever wanted to be a pilot? A doctor or not a nurse? And the manliest want of them all – The remote! ;)
As a kid did you enjoy playing with a bat and a ball?
There was a time when books were considered ‘manly’, women authors had to pretend to be men – would you say books are still rather manly – women should want to embroider and crochet?
If you are a man,
Have you ever wanted something that only women are supposed to want – like bags, shoes, clothes, creams, perfumes, babies, flowers? A peaceful home and a happy family? Have you ever been afraid of the dark or of insects?
As a kid did you ever want to play ‘teacher-teacher’, cooking or did you like playing with a doll? Have you ever enjoyed cooking? Bought something in pink? Loved chocolates?

So here’s the tag – Please list at least ten things you have ever wanted or done which your gender is not supposed to.
The tag is called ‘My Sins against Gender-Stereotypes’. And you must tag twelve blogging friends :twisted: or else you will be cursed to wear blue clothes pants if you are a woman and pink shirts if you are a man – for next twelve years .

  1. Here goes my list!
    1. I love Football and now I follow NFL after coming to the US... I am quoted as one of the biggest
     Fan of COLTS ( Columbus, Indiana Team)
    2. I used to play cricket regularly as a kid. I played cricket with the boys in my Apt/road-side. I was the only girl in their team!
    3. I used to play Counter Strike almost everyday during my Infy training ;). 
    4. I love all kinds of cars and bikes... really crazy for sports cars...still crazy.....
    5. I did have few Barbie Dolls as a child.But, I was more of a G.I.Joe and Hot Wheels kinda child. I had a huge hot-wheels race track set! I still LOVE IT :D...
    6. I used to hate wearing Girlie dresses with matching earing and chains.  
    7. I hated Shopping then... and still hate shopping in over crowded Nalli and other Saree shops...
    8. I can skateboard and roller-blade like a pro! :)
    9. I used to love to have wallets in the back pocket :D..
    10. I used to watch WWF and there was a time, when i used to go crazy on the trump card game with Hulkhogan and bret hart Hitman..
    And now... My fav part :) I am tagging 12 ppl, Others who are not Tagged are welcome to participate in the comments column :)
    1.        1. Anantha
    2.       2. Hariharan
    3.       3. Karthik Shekar
    4.       4. Sridhar Reddy
    5.        5. Sriram3007
    6.       6. Monty Sha
    7.        7. Sharanya
    8.       8. Leena Kranthi
    9.       9. Swetha Swaminath
    10.     10. Hemadri Harish
    11.      11. Shyam
    12.     12. Ajay 
    13.    Bonus: Harsha ( If u wanna extend ur list ;)


    1. actually a very interesting topic to write on........

    2. Thanks Sharan... here u go.. added you :)

    3. list at least ten things you have ever wanted or done which your gender is not supposed to.

    4. hey Priya, nice one, quite thought provoking....only yesterday I was discussing abt gender stereotypes to one of friends here and voila, I stumble across ur blog post!!!

      For instance, in my case, being a dancer and a male that too, is considered a taboo!!'why is art in any form, considered gender specific?!' In my case, I 'want' to relish ANdal's NAcciyar Thirumozhi not only be listening to it, rather dancing for it- for me its the rich devotion that I wnat to relish and savour. why should my 'gender' be an obstacle for something so 'pristine'?! and so, I learnt the thirumozhis and danced for them by myself(Thanks to youtube!! ), and I enjoyed every moment of the same.. and I would not call it a 'sin against the gender stereotype', rather me *reclaiming* my art in its completeness!!!

      P.S-keep up the good work, your blog posts are real unique and nice and nothing cliched!

    5. Thanks aravindan... I really like the way u put ur thoughts :)... and I love ur dance!!!

    6. I was obsessed about cricket :) which has always been rated a guy thing.Crazy about statistics, watching than actually playing it. Used to collect news paper clips, posters, cricket cards, of the famous Indian victories and stuff. I still have them with me. Used to wake up early to follow India's tours abroad.

      As a kid, in our flat, I have tried my hands at some dare devilry by jumping down the stairs skipping seven eight steps in between. It was actually a question of pride and ego. If you can't do it, then you won't be a part of the cool guys club and they will make you UP(Uppukku Chappani) in the games they play :P

      I have followed the WWF too :) and used to play the card game.Loved Yokozuna, Hulkogan, The Undertaker, Hitman and Shaun Michales the most.Used to laugh my hearts out cos there was this wrestler named King Kong Bundy. Found his name very funny back then :)

      Loved to wear pants and roam the streets, specially when done in my parent's native villages, people used to give me 'the look' which kinda made me feel special :P

    7. And used to feel very J when Vinodh played cricket with some of the guys in Serangulam. I wanted to do to him what he did best- make me run around and pick up balls for him. Never used to give me the bat :)
